

ROQU Group
2020-12-23 20:13 5091
Health Passport Europe與Big Concerts和The Entertainment Group合作,在確保安全的情況下重新開放南非的演藝活動行業(yè)。

都柏林2020年12月23日 /美通社/ -- 總部位于愛爾蘭的Health Passport Europe與Big Concerts和The Entertainment Group合作,利用新冠病毒快速檢測和安全Health Passport Europe移動技術(shù)方面的最新發(fā)展,在確保安全的情況下重新開放南非的演藝活動行業(yè)。

The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.


The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.
The Health Passport Europe digital platform was deployed at this year’s RECHARGE 2020 event in Cape Town, South Africa, using latest COVID-19 testing and mobile technology as part of the safe re-opening of the live events sector.

12月21日,現(xiàn)場音樂活動《RECHARGE 2020》在南非開普敦的Grand Café & Beach場館舉行,期間上演了多場現(xiàn)場演奏活動和DJ助興。 整場活動的最終安全落幕,成為標(biāo)志著現(xiàn)場演藝活動將在2021年廣泛重開的重要敲門磚。


Health Passport Europe的工作原理 

在2020年RECHARGE活動開始之前,包括職員在內(nèi)的所有參與者都必須免費下載并安裝Health Passport Europe移動應(yīng)用?;顒赢?dāng)天,每個人都要在入場前使用最新的快速抗原檢測進(jìn)行新冠檢測,這些檢測方法已在南非通過驗證。


結(jié)果將在檢測的20分鐘內(nèi)私密而安全地更新到相關(guān)人員的Health Passport Europe應(yīng)用中。入場時,安保人員能夠快速掃描每個人的門票和Health Passport Europe應(yīng)用,只有新冠肺炎檢測結(jié)果為陰性的人員才可以進(jìn)入場館,從而確保將所有人的傳播風(fēng)險降至最低?;顒蝇F(xiàn)場的所有人也都遵循有關(guān)新冠疫情的衛(wèi)生指南。


Big Concerts的首席執(zhí)行官Justin Van Wyk表示:“對于因疫情遭受重創(chuàng)的活動產(chǎn)業(yè)來說,這是一個重要時刻。通過使用Health Passport Europe平臺,本次活動最大程度地降低了感染風(fēng)險,展示出全球現(xiàn)場活動的前進(jìn)方向。該系統(tǒng)讓我們能夠提供活動前和活動后的檢測,確保最大程度的安心,保護(hù)參與者、表演者以及與活動相關(guān)的所有人?!?/p>

Health Passport Europe創(chuàng)始人Robert Quirke說:“能在開普敦開展這個項目,并為安全重開國際娛樂和旅游業(yè)做出貢獻(xiàn),我們的團(tuán)隊既興奮又謹(jǐn)慎。這項安全技術(shù)設(shè)計用于配合所有官方新冠肺炎檢測和疫苗使用。已經(jīng)有成千上萬的人開始使用這個移動系統(tǒng),它正在幫助行業(yè)復(fù)工?!?/p>

Health Passport Europe平臺已被許多提供新冠肺炎檢測服務(wù)的領(lǐng)先醫(yī)藥組織采用。這項技術(shù)已通過所有試驗和開發(fā),并已在包括醫(yī)療、物流、酒店業(yè)、教育和療養(yǎng)院等在內(nèi)的不同行業(yè)進(jìn)行了廣泛測試,并在都柏林機場進(jìn)行了試運行。


Health Passport Europe系統(tǒng)被設(shè)計成一個安全的系統(tǒng),讓人們可以存儲和顯示官方認(rèn)證的新冠肺炎疫苗接種或檢測狀態(tài)。它是面向所有行業(yè)和公眾的通用國際平臺。

消息來源:ROQU Group