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关于安泰坦<\/b>®<\/sup><\/b><\/p> \n 安泰坦®<\/sup>于2017年4月获得美国FDA批准,是FDA首次批准的氘代产品,也是针对与亨廷顿病有关的舞蹈病的历史上第二个药物[6]<\/sup>。目前,该药已经在美国和中国两个国家获批,在美国的获批适应症包括与亨廷顿病(HD)有关的舞蹈病以及成人迟发性运动障碍(TD)。FDA对安泰坦®<\/sup>的批准代表了HD患者的一个重要的新治疗选择,并强调了对这个服务不足的患者群体更多治疗资源的需求,TD适应症被批准为突破性治疗。我们相信,治疗迟发性运动障碍的医生会欣赏到该疗法的剂量灵活性,以及专注于直接治疗运动障碍而不破坏正在进行的基础疾病治疗的能力[7]<\/sup>。<\/p> \n 关于与亨廷顿病有关的舞蹈病获批临床试验<\/b>[8]<\/sup><\/b><\/b><\/p> \n 安泰坦®<\/sup>获批用于治疗与亨廷顿病有关的舞蹈病,是基于一项90名患有明显亨廷顿病相关的舞蹈病患者参与的随机,双盲,安慰剂对照,多中心试验,主要临床评价指标为舞蹈病症状最高总评分(Total Maximal Chorea Score, TMC评分)。研究结果表明安泰坦®<\/sup>:<\/p> \n 关于成人迟发性运动障碍的临床试验<\/b>[9]<\/sup><\/b><\/b><\/p> \n 安泰坦®<\/sup>获批用于治疗成人迟发性运动障碍,是基于两项III期随机、<\/span>双盲、<\/span>安慰剂对照、<\/span>平行组研究的结果,研究结果证明安泰坦®<\/sup>:<\/p> \n 关于梯瓦<\/b><\/p> \n 梯瓦是一家总部位于以色列的全球性医药公司,是全世界最大的“药柜”之一<\/span>,拥有超过1,800个分子化合物,35,000个产品。在美国,平均每7个处方就会用到1个梯瓦公司的产品,在过去的10年里,梯瓦公司为美国的医疗系统累计节省一共超过2150亿美金。我们的使命是成为全球仿制药和生物制药的领导者,提高和改善病患的生活质量。目前梯瓦在全球约有45,000名员工,在超过60个国家开展业务,2018年全年销售额接近190亿美金。<\/p> \n 现在梯瓦已经来到中国,作为全球使命的一部分,梯瓦中国将会在未来的几年里大力拓展本土业务,我们计划在明年上半年上市第一款由我们创新研发的原研药品安泰坦®<\/sup><\/b>, 以高品质药品为中国数百万患者提供帮助。在未来,梯瓦承诺会为中国的病患,以更快的速度带来更新更好的药物。<\/p> \n 欲了解更多信息,请访问<\/b><\/p> \n www.tevapharm.com<\/a>; Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements<\/b><\/p> \n This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 regarding the launch of AUSTEDO® <\/sup>for treating Chorea associated with Huntington's Disease and Tardive Dyskinesia in adults in China<\/span>, which are based on management’s current beliefs and expectations and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown, that could cause our future results, performance or achievements to differ significantly from that expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include risks relating to:<\/p> \n and other factors discussed in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the first quarter of 2020 and our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019<\/span>, including in the sections captioned "Risk Factors” and “Forward Looking Statements.” Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and we assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or other information contained herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You are cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.<\/p> \n <\/p> \n [1] Auspex Pharmaceuticals Inc. Securities and Exchange Commission Form S-1 Registration Statement; 2013.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n [2] AUSTEDO® (deutetrabenazine) tablets current Prescribing Information. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n [3] Xu M, Wu ZY. Huntington Disease in Asia. Chin Med J (Engl). 2015;128(13):1815–1819. doi:10.4103\/0366-6999.159359.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n [4] Y Z, DC C, LY Q, et al. - Gender differences in the prevalence, risk and clinical correlates of Tardive Dyskinesia in Chinese schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology <\/i>2009;205(4):647-654.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n [5] 陆颖,孙扬,朱丽萍.迟发性运动障碍的机制和治疗进展[J].精神医学杂志,2017,30(03):237-240.<\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n [6] https:\/\/www.businesswire.com\/news\/home\/20170403006578\/en\/Teva-Announces-FDA-Approval-AUSTEDO%E2%84%A2-deutetrabenazine-Tablets<\/a> <\/span><\/p> <\/td> \n <\/tr> \n \n
https:\/\/www.teva.cn\/<\/a>。<\/p> \n \n
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