
Global 10 Travelling Experiencer of Xiamen

2013-07-02 15:24

I. Recruiting requirements and way of recruiting

  (I) Recruiting requirements

1. Love travel; vigorous and energetic person who has a certain influence, or power in some industries or regions.

2. Active person with refined sensibilities, rich originality and sharp sense of writing the traveling experience who could be able to reflect the true experience and feedback of tourism service.

3. Good command of written skills to write travel notes and guides and share the travelling process.

4. Good photography and video recording skills; To be able to have live broadcast of travel route, share experience and pictures, and voice professional evaluation, etc.To be able to provide tourists with information for reference which are the true reflection of the actual quality of Xiamen’s tourism products and travel routes.

5. Priority is given to person who has ever worked as an experienced traveler.

  (II) Way of recruiting

Mainly in the way of voluntary application and recommendation of related organizations complemented.


II. Recruiting quota and regional allocation

1. Quota: 10 in total

2. Regional allocation: 4 from China and 6 from other countries

III. Application time:

June 13th 2013– July 20th 2013

IV. Way of Application

1. Online application on the special page of Xiamen Tourism Website ( for both voluntary applicants and candidates recommended by related organizations.

2. For application, submit one CV, two or three recent JPG photos in daily life. Related proof materials are required for candidates recommended by organizations.

3. For application, submit two or three original travel notes or travel tips.

4. Send the above-mentioned photos and travel notes or travel tips to

V. Activities arrangement

(I) Recruiting process and selection rules

1. First round of selection: comprehensive examination of candidates’ CV, travel experience, and travelling experience works. The works of traveling experience should be original and appealing. The planning of travel route should be reasonable and creative. Works should be smooth in written expression, clear in logic, proper in the match of pictures, and distinctive and original in style. 20 candidates will be singled out for the next round online vote.

2. Second round of selection: CVs and works of 20 candidates will be published on Xiamen Tourism Website, official micro-blog of Xiamen Tourism Bureau, and special edition of newspapers and magazines for online vote. Finally, ten candidates will be singled out as the first group of experience travelers of Xiamen tourism around the world based on the opinions of expert judges and online vote result.

3. Publicity stage: the list of ten selected experience travelers will be publicized on China Tourism News.

VI. Post-tasks for 10 experience travelers

(1) After travelling, every experience traveler must upload videos and travel guides about the traveling experience in Xiamen to the specified website for publicity. (Posted on Facebook or Twitter abroad, and on Youku or Tudou website in China).

(2) Ten experience travelers must be matched with the top ten scenic spots of suburb Xiamen favored by Xiamen citizens as the spokesmen or ambassadors of these spots. A signing ceremony will be held.

(3) Experience travelers will be invited to take part in the shooting and publicizing of a micro-movie about Xiamen tourism.

Contact person: Miss Kang; contact information TEL: 0086-592-5319155
